The web is hostile


Why would you run a deliberately simple webpage? Why would you not accept javascript? What is your problem with modern webpages?

It’s not what - but who

Modern webtechnologies are in many ways great. They afford a rich, and in some cases almost native like user experience. But often times we load javascript in order to get a collapsable element. We end up, hidding stuff, in order to dynamically show it again, in an accordion nobody really cares about.

While thats annoying. It’s not a big problem. the problem is that 80 % of the web now employs javascript to obscure and game SEO ratings, drive traffic to adds or just pure spy on the user.

So when searching for specific things - we need to filter away 80 to 90 % of the top results for a given query. Thats just annoying.

The solution is simple. Stop using javascript, and use a searchinge that only traverse javacript less pages - or the gemini protocol.